Seriously, it’s just not what you are used to as far as grinding to get the credits. There are some first person shooter style missions and some removal of trash or bodies that seem to work out pretty well, but the delivery missions are pretty rough for the time being.Want to know more?

There are very lucrative trade routes in the verse that do not include having to fight tooth and nail to get a hit. You can pickup some Med Supplies or some Hydrogen and haul the hell out of it. It will produce aUEC. Below is a link to an amazingWant to know more?

Jumptown is a hidden drug lab on Crusader’s moon, Yela. You can purchase Widow and ALT there to haul and sell somewhere else. Buy price at JT 14.55, sell at Grim Hex for 24. Nice profit. Sells for more or less in other places. You can only sell so muchWant to know more?